Sleep & Eat is taking place on 17-19th November, bringing the selected emerging and established brands from the hospitality design industry together, alongside world-class speakers. The event is an all-virtual format making attending safe and effortless.
“Sleep & Eat combines original, thought-provoking content with the opportunity to catch up with industry influencers. It understands the importance of high-quality innovation in hospitality development.”
Harry Harris, Founder, SUSD. (Sleep & Eat)
During these three days, you can connect with companies through 1:1 video meetings, live chat, and speed networking – including with Tablebed. You can talk with anyone as far as they accept your request.
With its innovative design, Tablebed is potential furniture for the hotels of the future. By combining the table and bed, Tablebed enables the possibility of hosting business people also during the day: by transforming the bed into a table, the same hotel room where people sleep can also be used as a work and conference room. Are you already considering Tablebed for your selected location?
You can register for the event by the website of Sleep & Eat and meet us on 17-19th November! Meanwhile, you can learn more about Tablebed by visiting our information page for the companies.
Furthermore, Sleep & Eat introduces a virtual 3D experience of Hotel 2035 with future-facing design concepts.
Did you become interested in the event? Visit Sleep & Eat -website to learn more!